From Prada to Nada - Movie Review


From Prada to Nada is a romantic comedy about two sisters with vastly different personalities who are left penniless after their rich father dies. Olivia is materialistic one and Nora is the bookworm. They are forced from their home by their half-brother's girlfriend - the brother they never knew they had. The girls end up in East Los Angeles with their aunt. There they try to learn about their Mexican heritage and find an absurdly short amount of time!

Apparently this movie is based on Jane Austen's "Sense and Sensibility". I haven't read the book yet but I bet I would have gotten more out of it than this movie. The plot was just all over the place it tried to fit in their brother's story but failed miserably and the relationships that formed were very rushed. If you are looking for a light movie with no real sustenance then you don't have to look any further but don't expect to enjoy it that much.

From Prada to Nada opens in theatres in Canada tomorrow, February 11, 2011.

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Bryon said...

The movie did get a slow start, and the budget did make it seem a little “off Broadway” so-to-speak but the content overall was good. There were 2 love interests for Mary and the rich guy seemed perfect. I wish they would have made him have some flaws so that it made us root for Bruno but if it was to follow the “Sense and Sensibility” storyline, I can see why. I (and everyone else) has the opportunity to watch a lot of movies right now (and I do) because I got a 3 month free Blockbuster membership with my new DISH Network employee account. Honestly I should slow down because I’m not getting anything else done these days, like mowing the grass. Pretty soon my toddler won’t be able to be seen in it any more.

Bryon said...

The movie did get a slow start, and the budget did make it seem a little “off Broadway” so-to-speak but the content overall was good. There were 2 love interests for Mary and the rich guy seemed perfect. I wish they would have made him have some flaws so that it made us root for Bruno but if it was to follow the “Sense and Sensibility” storyline, I can see why. I (and everyone else) has the opportunity to watch a lot of movies right now (and I do) because I got a 3 month free Blockbuster membership with my new DISH Network employee account. Honestly I should slow down because I’m not getting anything else done these days, like mowing the grass. Pretty soon my toddler won’t be able to be seen in it any more.