BC Home and Garden Show

So you know I went to the BC Home and Garden Show yesterday. In previous years it had been at BC Place Stadium but since that is under constructions, the show was moved to the Vancouver Convention centre. This was the first time I've been to one of these events. It was very busy on Saturday! There were a lot of exhibits on gardens, roofing, home renovations as well as home appliances. Telus, Toyota and the Vancouver Sun were among the vendors. I watched HGTV's Justin and Colin's presentation on the home makeovers as well as Botanus' Elke and Pam's presentation on summer flowering bulbs. Justin and Colin were hilarious! They drew a very large crowd and they looked very nice in their pink and yellow kilts LOL. After the show they also did a signing at the Lane Home Furnishings exhibit so I lined up to get a photo and an autograph. They were a pleasure to meet - very easy going and funny. There was a contest to have lunch with them and $7000 to spend on home furnishings but I didn't win. Oh well. There were many other contests at the show - I have my fingers crossed!

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